hexadecimal? it's "base 16"...derrrrr.
...you know, how "0" (pronounced "OH") can't be the letter "O", because in computerworld "OH" has no place in hexadecimal (because it only goes to "f"...of course!), but in the builderworld "o" (pronounced "OH") is most always a "zero" usage...like a 3068 door (three-oh-six-eight) means 3-feet wide by 6-feet 8-inches tall--the "oh" signifies "zero" inches.
WHAT?! yeah, i'm still lost. so you know what i said to him? i just stomped my foot and said,
HA! that'll show 'em!
There are 10 types of people who think this kind of thing is funny or interesting. Those who may work with computers for a living, and those who don't.
ReplyDeleteI get it, finally. Took a while. LabCzar is not talking about the number between 9 and 11 but the number that is between 1 and 11 in the binary system. Who would have thunk it!